Accueil > Actualités > Colloques et Journées > Mikhail ORDIN : The role of rhythmic cognition, metacognition, and statistical learning in speech emergence and in cognitive underpinnings of speech processing


Mikhail ORDIN : The role of rhythmic cognition, metacognition, and statistical learning in speech emergence and in cognitive underpinnings of speech processing

04 Mars - MSHS - Salle Plate

The role of rhythmic cognition, metacognition, and statistical learning in speech emergence and in cognitive underpinnings of speech processing.

Mikhail Ordin
The Basque Centre for Cognition, Brain and Language

ABSTRACT : Speech faculty is represented by a complex system for vocal communication, which is a pre-requisite for development of a language faculty. In this talk I will discuss possible approaches to exploring cognitive underpinning of speech emergence in human genus. My interests are related to (a) what set cognitive and neural mechanisms and what kind of interaction of these mechanisms could have facilitated the emergence of speech faculty ; (b) how these cognitive mechanisms, which allowed for development of a complex vocal communication system, are currently modulated by the speech faculty in the course of cognitive evolution (since speech has become of paramount importance in humans) ; and (c) to what extent, on the one hand, speech faculty is shaping the ecological niche of our species and cognitive mechanisms for easier processing of vocal communication signals by means of natural selection, and on the other hand, to what extent this communication system itself is shaped by available cognitive resources by means of cultural evolution, when more easily processed properties of this system are selected and transferred across generations, modifying speech so that it becomes more efficient and processable, given available cognitive mechanisms. To address these questions, I am studying speech rhythm, its role in speech processing, acquisition in ontogenesis and effects on linguistic changes in language diachrony and in phylogenesis ; metacognition and how is it modulated by linguistic experience, and neuro-cognitive mechanisms of statistical learning. In my talk, I will present recent works from these three domains, and discuss how my recent findings are related to bigger issues of neuro-cognitive-cultural underpinning of speech emergence and processing.

After the presentation, I will be delighted to discuss any issues related to my talk in details with you, whether you want to discuss that in the context of speech evolution, from the perspective of cognitive neuroscience, language sciences, computations and modelling, or at any angle that seems interesting for you.

publié par Odile Deangeli le