Cycle de colloques "Les Subordonnées complétives"
Friederike Moltmann, Kalle MULLER et Clémentine RAFFY (Equipe Dialectologie et Linguistique formelle)
Syntax or semantics first ? A comparison of Synthesis vs. Cartography
par Susi WURMBRAND (Université de Vienne)
16-18H sur Zoom
Abstract :
In this talk, I compare the cartographic model of structure building to the synthesis model in Wurmbrand & Lohninger 2023. According to the latter, syntax computes structure relatively freely and there is no or very limited selection. The main restrictions are output conditions filtering out derivations at the interfaces I suggest that the syntax-first synthesis approach is motivated by various clause structure and complementation properties (such as optionality, free ordering, meaning alternations).