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Mercredi 25 Mai à 17H- Visio

BCL à Londres!

Katerina PALASIS - Wh-questions in Colloquial French: Empirical and theoretical perspectives on child and adult data

Séminaire Zoom - Mercredi 25 mai (heure française: 17H)

Katerina PALASIS sera l’invitée de l’University College London dans le cadre de la série de séminaires "UCL Linguistics Seminar Talk".

Sa communication se fera en visioconférence.
Toutes les infos ici: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/pals/events/2022/may/ucl-linguistics-seminar-talk-dr-katerina-palasis

The talk will address the long-standing issue of the so-called ‘optionality’ of wh-movement in Colloquial French in adult and child data (e.g., tu vois qui? vs. qui tu vois? ’who do you see’). Recent and ongoing research at the syntax-semantics interface will be reported.

published by Odile Deangeli on