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Thèses en cours

Fiammetta DI PASQUALE [2024 - ]

The Lenition of the Voiced Velar Plosive in Southern Italo-Romance Dialects

PhD director(s): Diana Passino & Diego Pescarini

The lenition of sonorant plosives is a process characterizing the Southern Italo-Romance varieties (Weinrich 1958, Rohlfs 1966: 291-99, Ledgeway 2016, among others). While lenition of labial and (...)

View online : Theses.fr

Camille-Ninon URGON [2024 - ]

SC effects: data and unified analysis

PhD director(s): Diana Passino & Tobias Scheer

This study is situated in the field of phonology, with particular interest in sC clusters and their effects in the languages in which they are present. sC clusters pose challenges to syllabification (...)

View online : Theses.fr

Samantha HURTADO [2024 - ]

Memory, Spatialization and Dyslexia

PhD director(s): Fabien Mathy

This research proposal seeks to explore the intricate relationship between spatialization in memory, the spatial–positional association of response codes (SPoARC) effect, Hebb repetition learning, and (...)

View online : Theses.fr

Giulio Massari [2023 - ]

Behavioral and neural correlates underlying spoken language production

PhD director(s): Fanny Meunier

Our ability to put thoughts into words is one of the most fascinated aspects of human cognition. Although speaking seems effortless, it is the result of very complex processes carried out by the brain (...)

View online : Theses.fr

Farah Ben Mimoun [2023 - ]

Cognitive and attentional characteristics of intellectually gifted children and their effects on learning

PhD director(s): Lucile Chanquoy

The present thesis project aims to explore the theme of giftedness, that describes individuals with a very high Intelligence Quotient (IQ). This field of study currently generates significant interest (...)

View online : Theses.fr

Freddina ADDO [2022 - ]

L’acquisition des compétences phraséologiques et l’effet d’espacement

PhD director(s): Amanda Edmonds

View online : Theses.fr

Martin Lemaître [2022 - ]

Dichotic listening and phonological theory: word-initial consonant groups

PhD director(s): Tobias Scheer

Keywords: dichotic listening, clusters #RT, non-words
The thesis project concerns the initial consonant clusters of words in dichotic listening on languages not restrictive to #TR. The purpose of (...)

Hadi Mahmoudi [2022 - ]

Dans la profondeur des corpus. Vers l’intelligibilité de l’intertexte par le Deep Learning.

PhD director(s): Damon Mayaffre et Laurent Vanni

Mots clés : Intertextualité, intertexte, cotexte, corpus, synapse, passage, motif, linguistique, deep learning, intelligence artificielle, zone de pertinence, objectivation, trace, TAL, NLP
Résumé : (...)

Julia Maurer [2022 - ]

([R]é)Volution du Langage : la science-fiction selon Alain Damasio

PhD director(s): Véronique Magri-Mourgues

Mots-clés :
Analyse de discours, créativité, épistémocritique, fictionnalité, linguistique textuelle, pragmatique textuelle, science-fiction, stylistique générique, textométrie, transmédialité. (...)

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