Accueil > Formation > Doctorat > Thèses en cours > Cognitive and attentional characteristics of intellectually gifted children and their effects on learning

Farah Ben Mimoun [2023 - ]

Cognitive and attentional characteristics of intellectually gifted children and their effects on learning

Sous la direction de Lucile Chanquoy

The present thesis project aims to explore the theme of giftedness, that describes individuals with a very high Intelligence Quotient (IQ). This field of study currently generates significant interest and captivates the general public, but it remains relatively under-researched scientifically. The concept of giftedness has sparked several societal debates and has garnered media attention through numerous articles, reports, and even a recently successful television series. Due to its implications for individual development, giftedness is also widely discussed among clinical psychologists, leading to the regular publication of popular science books dedicated to the subject. By combining perspectives from scientific research and clinical practice, the present project aims to understand giftedness through the lens of Developmental Psychology and Child Neuropsychology to provide educational tools tailored to this population of children. This thesis proposes to analyze the cognitive profiles of gifted children with or without ADHD, seeking to examine how the cognitive and attentional processes of these children operate during their learning of written language and problem-solving. As these processes appear to vary depending on the type of tasks, a wide range of tests and assessments closely aligned with school activities will be administered to the children throughout their schooling, from 4th grade to 8th grade. These assessments will be conducted in both single-task and dual-task situations. Thus, if the results allow, specific pedagogical adaptations for these children will be suggested.

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publié par Pierre-Aurélien Georges - mis à jour le