Accueil > Actualités > Le Cycle BCL > Dyslexia and grammar : a complex relation

Cycle BCL - Giovanna Marotta (Université de Pise)

Dyslexia and grammar : a complex relation

18 Mai 2022 - 14H30 - Salle 213 - BCL, Campus SJA 3


In the framework of the pathologies of language development, a debated topic concerns the relationship between Dyslexia and Specific (or Primary) Language Impairment, since the two disorders occur in comorbidity in a significant percentage of cases.
Children diagnosed with dyslexia have peculiarities not only in how they read but also in how they write. Nevertheless, their writing is often neglected, whereas we believe that the detailed analysis of letters and their features could represent a new relevant path of research.

Voir en ligne : Giovanna Marotta

publié par Odile Deangeli le