Accueil > Actualités > Le Cycle BCL > Morphology - a gateway to advanced language

Cycle BCL - Janne von Koss Torkildsen (University of Oslo, Norway)

Morphology - a gateway to advanced language

Jeudi 07 décembre 2023 - 10h - Salle 213 - BCL, Campus SJA 3


Morphology concerns the smallest meaning-bearing units of language, such as ‘co’ in cooperate and and ‘ist’ in activist. In this presentation, I will argue that morphological knowledge may serve as a gateway to the vast domain of vocabulary for school-age children. Further, I will present results from a randomized controlled trial of a digital morphology program involving 717 Norwegian-speaking children. The morphological training built on the principle that frequency of target elements together with variation of nontarget elements can support implicit language learning. Results showed durable generalization effects to untaught vocabulary containing trained morphemes. These findings suggest that a brief morphological training program can produce lasting and educationally meaningful gains in word knowledge. Finally, I will discuss possibilities and challenges of digital language training programs. Specifically, I will show how interaction data from our morphology app relate to learning outcomes and how this individualized program can be extended to a collaborative tool.

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Sujet : Cycle BCL - Janne von Koss Torkildsen, University of Oslo
Heure : 7 déc. 2023 10:00 AM Paris

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ID de réunion : 860 2048 0116
Code secret : 288322

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publié par Morgane Ftaïta - mis à jour le